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Starting Fresh, Finding Hope for Tomorrow. Tips for taking one step forward | Anchor to Hope and Healing

Theresa Ewing

Updated: Mar 30, 2024

In the midst of a storm, it's hard to remember that tomorrow is a new day.

But that's the great thing! There is hope for tomorrow! There is hope for today!

Try this:

Take a Deep Breath. Count to 3. Hold the breath, count 4. Breath out, count 3.

This one takes work, it might be tough, but let's keep going.

Remember ONE thing that was good and/or positive from the day. Or even the tough moment. Was there a smile, something learned, resiliency that you learned. Maybe taking this chance highlights something that was challenging for you, and even if you aren't super proud of how you reacted, increasing your awareness can greatly help in your next steps.

Write this down. Find a scratch pad, or use the notes section in your phone. This is gold. Use this when you're in a tough spot and feel like you cannot come up with anything good. This will help ground you, bring you back to seeing that there is hope for more good to come.



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