Grace is a word we use often. How do you connect with it? I think of a song, a name, forgiveness....
I often forget it when I am struggling, with a task, a goal, expectations.
More importantly, I forget to give grace to myself.
I think it's important to remember that we can set expectations for ourselves that are unfair or unrealistic, or need grace. We can achieve BIG things, but there will most certainly be bumps along the way. When frustrated, grace. When a task is taking a "long time," grace.
So what is grace? Can you think of someone who loves you unconditionally? Or, if that is tough, how would you like to be loved? When we are broken, it is difficult to see ourselves as whole, beautiful, shiny, worthwhile. In the dark, it is difficult to see the light shining on those broken pieces to put us back together.
When I look at my daughter, I see her smile, her eyes, her bouncy hair and I think of how I love her. When I think of grace, I think of that. I think of how even though she just told me something (that was mean, or with attitude, or unloving), she is so amazing. And that's what a picture of grace is. Love even in our tough moments. The trick is, to extend that love and grace to ourselves. By letting ourselves take an extra day (or 3) to get the laundry done, getting the dishwasher loaded even when the rest of the kitchen is a mess, celebrating the accomplishment (however small) even when it seems as though the world is falling apart around us, waking up and getting out of bed. You did it. You put one foot in front of the other and that is sometimes a HUGE step. That step can lead to another, and another, and before you know it, you're on your way to your next goal.