Normalizing Anxiety
Anxiety is normal, it is a stress response to a real or perceived danger. I would argue (and I think others would agree) that it is something that is protective. Anxiety or stress can alert us that something is wrong and we may have to adjust, change course, or reframe our thinking. We may just have to get the heck out of dodge...
Anxiety has been talked about, studied, problem solved, for a very long time. I believe in our society today, we have been conditioned to minimize our anxiety, hide it, be ashamed of it, badger yourself for it. When the opposite might be true, talking about it may be our way out.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety can be a feeling of stress, rapid thoughts, fear, shortness of breath, shaking hands, pounding heart, restlessness, fatigue, trouble focusing thoughts...can you add any to this list? Anxiety can be normal, protective, and can feel like it becomes out of control.

In Relational Cultural Theory, we are taught that people are made to connect with one another, be interdependent and have relationship while being products with our environment. It seems as though now, we are more independent, less face to face time with others, and constantly hearing about negative news. This all impacts stress and ability to cope with challenges.
Anxiety can come from your environment. Some are predisposed because of genetics, or how you grew up. If you were constantly having to be on guard for some reason, then your natural disposition says that you need to protect yourself, and you are waiting for the other shoe to drop.
What do we do about Anxiety????
Cognitive behavioral therapy has been proven to help with treatment of anxiety, short and long term. CBT uncovers unhealthy habits of thinking, and develop a plan to change thinking into more rational, positive thoughts.
Some Coping Skills:
Deep Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Stop the cycle of anxiety by not avoiding - scary, but doable with help!
Name your "anxiety persona"
Create Coping Cards
Long term:
Address those beliefs that bind you into thinking everything is all bad, or personalizing any negative situations
Create positive, fulfilling relationships
Talk about it
Create self care routines, habits
Reframe your thinking with the ABCDE model created by Seligman;
Adversity - stressful event
Belief - what do you think happened, what do you interpret from the
Consequences - how you reacted to what you believe or perceived
Disputation - create a new narrative, dispute/challenge your thoughts
Energization - assess the outcome, how do you feel now?
Some of these concepts may seem complex, abstract, or way to simple to actually make a difference. That's why I'm here, so we can tease out what works specifically for you and practice them together. You are not alone in addressing this feeling, need to find peace.